As a top 5% agent of all sales associates worldwide, a winner of International President's Circle Award, and a Certified Luxury Property Specialist, Yan brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise about buying and selling real estate here. It's not the same everywhere, so you need someone you can trust for up-to-date information. Yan is eager to serve you with her integrity and responsiveness. Here are some of the things she can do for you:
Born and raised in Shanghai China, Yan studied economics in college, and earned her MBA degree at Maastricht Management of school Netherlands. She developed her professional skills in Marketing P.R. and management for different companies in Shanghai in her early career, including a well known nationwide internet service provider, high-end real estate developer and joint venture advertising company. She also experienced success with property investment and managing rental properties in China.
After moving to LA, she's been living in Brentwood for nearly 20 years. She has built strong relationships with many families from multicultural backgrounds. She has volunteered and organized activities in Chinese communities and schools in Brentwood and Westside LA for many years.
As a top agent, she has constantly earned multiple awards in her real estate business career. Yan is certified luxury property specialist, who has been successfully helping her international clients with their real estate needs.
Yan speaks, writes and reads fluently: Mandarin, Shanghainese and English.
她是持有加州房地产执照的资深地产经纪人,注册全球奢华地产专家,多年荣获业界优秀顶尖地产经纪称号,无论是高端地产还是投资买卖,她已经帮助无数国际人士在美投资置业。现任全美房地产协会会员(NAR),加州房地产协会会员(CAR),比弗利山庄房地产协会会员(BH/GLAAR)。她的团队是享誉世界的全美历史最悠久,销售业绩最高的Coldwell Banker科威地产公司,无论是民用还是商业地产在地产界都是第一名。团队中拥有当地最优秀和可靠的专业贷款经纪人,法务顾问,物业托管,房屋维修检验老师,建筑师等,保证客户能快速而顺利地完成交易。Yan尤其擅长洛杉矶的好学区及城市海边城市及UCLA加大洛杉矶分校,USC南加州大学,佩珀坦因大雪,圣莫尼卡学院等知名学府周边的房产投资租赁及买卖,同时凭借团队的强大关系网络也提供美国其他城市的房屋买卖和管理咨询服务。
工作之余,从小爱好运动的她常年坚持户外运动,跑步登山旅游摄影。她的愿望是以诚心耐心和细心换取 客户的省心放心和安心。